This package contains everything you need to do a whole body cleanse and revitalization on the cellular level, breaking down acid, mucus, toxins, and calcifications to rebuild and restore the entire body. Our products are designed to help remove toxins from your cells and promote healthy cell function. Utilizing these products will help you to resolve nutritional insufficiencies, purify the body, and create an alkaline environment to rejuvenate trillions of cells. With this package, you'll feel cleansed and energized!
Fuscous Tonic (2)
Ferrum Tonic (2)
Samaraña Tonic (2)
Zien Tonic
Respiratory Tonic
Chelation Detox Capsule
Soursop Capsule
Parasite Cleanse Capsule
Virus Detox Capsule
Green Food Capsule
Kidney & Liver Detox Capsule
Bromide Plus Capsule
Colon Cleanse Capsule
Brain Food Capsule
Revitalizer Capsule
Male Balance / Female Balance Capsule
Iron Plus Capsule
Lymphen Capsule
Bromide Seamoss Plus Powder
Cordoncillo Negro Tea
Chaparral Tea
Cascara Sagrada Tea
Sarsaparilla Tea
Raw Seamoss
Virus Detox Tea
Tooth Powder
Liver Tea
Parasite Cleanse Tea
PLEASE BE ADVISED that a strict Alkaline Diet is required for maximum effectiveness; otherwise, you'll neutralize the effects or only reap minimal benefits. View our Nutritional Guide here.
HerbalCellFood’s original and unique formulas are proprietary blends and may contain ingredients not listed here.