Ferrum+ provides lots of iron-rich food for the blood, brain and central nervous system. Increases mental and physical energy levels. It is designed to fight inflammation, cleanse and strengthen the whole body. Ferrum+ Tonic helps to treat a variety of diseases such as HIV, diabetes, back pain, infections, fatigue, ulcers, scabies, candida, gout, and acts as a blood purifier.
INGREDIENTS: Contribo, Nettle, Guaco, Cerasee Spring water
INSTRUCTIONS: Take two (2) tbsp. of tonic in the morning and two (2) tbsp. in the evening with a meal that follows Dr. Sebi’s nutritional food guide.
PLEASE BE ADVISED that a strict Alkaline Diet is required for maximum effectiveness; otherwise, you'll neutralize the effects or only reap minimal benefits. View our Nutritional Guide here.